Yeah, you heard me right. The. Worst.
1. Natural light. Who does the sun think he is, sending all his beams of light through my windows? The lack of walls makes it too easy for all of that natural light to permeate my home. Give me artificial flickering light bulbs and higher energy bills, is what I always say.
When The Clash wrote the song, they must have been talking about real estate, right? If you own a house, I’m guessing you’ve asked yourself this more than once. Based on the number of TV shows dedicated to the topic, I’m guessing almost everyone has. In a vacuum, it’s a nearly impossible question to answer. There are just too many variables. So let’s try to break it down to help decide if you’re going to renovate or move.
Do you remember that commercial from a bunch of years ago? You know the one where the couple is walking through a huge, fancy studio listening to a pretentious architect talk about his accolades. Then they get to his office, he says, "So what can I, do for you (the I is dripping with condescension). They say...
Does the title of this post sound like the start of a bad joke? Yes. Is it actually the start of a bad joke? I don't know, maybe. For the purpose of this blog post, let’s assume it’s not.
In May of 2011 Pancake and I took a trip to Spain. Like any good travelers, we wanted to experience the culture as much as possible, and a large part of that experience is done through food and drink. Long story short, we just about ate and drank our weight in paella and mojitos.
April 2035